FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

It’s Morse Code.

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didn’t even read it

You’re cringe

Agenda above free will!

What have I missed? I’m on mobile for at least the next day. Trying to get my back up laptop working

So is it order change?

@katze if gori is off the list do I just shoot Lee or do you have another?

Did y’all solve it? I got called for something at work

How’d you get “Order”?

3what list

yea its a boring shot but i dont see them clearing themselves if town and magnus somewhat suspected them off meta so shrug

@LittleLee are you a PR


probably not

Well that was changed in the list in the puzzle, wasn’t it?

Didn’t someone say this is role madness

Ita list

oh true ig

but i still would marginally prefer they be around to claim if possible jic


Back to the gori/artimis thing, if gori is being towny then???

Yall surely the numbers mean something in the puzzle? @SilverKeith

all our answers for part 1 have died first (the flavors)

they aren’t in order though