FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

Wolfy nya

I did not know that

I forgot eliza was in this game honestly


how many times has zone shot overall?

not just this sesh

nyay wolf

his predecessor, firinn, was incredibly towny for a first mash experience


I will always advocate for heroshooting

Beancat iirc

someone in the “wtf is zone doing” camp is a wolf owo

that’s the easy read owo



2 times, yet.

You are a wolf nya

i dont own any armies, i just keep up with the lore a bit

If I got one I would probably get dark eldar tho

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if that makes me a wolf it looks like I was a wolf in the other 3 FAM games :joy_cat:

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well either that owo

or zone’s a wolf owo

but prolly not owo

now idk about you all but you were talkin’ like it was mech town

Ehhh possible

good luck with that one

thats because we townread firinn that much.