FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

if lee is a wolf i dislike lucid’s posting about the shot owo


Ok but why waste it at all tho if thats the only joy

Litterally explained in the post, have a WEIRD gut feeling about it

I could be dead wrong but i trust my gut more than me

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if lees a villager we can all blame magnus :curtain:

LittleLee was Mafia

Text-based rolecard


Agree owo



Im claiming the pelt btw

Pog nya


The thought of me being wolf made you shoot-able.

I don’t see it tbh. Don’t think lucid goes out on a limb when lee was dying here 100%

@magnus goat

oh shit rlly? did u draw it urself or get it commed? cause its kinda swag LOL. also fair ig, idr much from that game :LOL

no you aint stick it to magnus’ gravestone

what does that mean

The shot connects.

The shot connects.