FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

Shoot lucid here imo

why n ot

what happened to the gori read owo



Has a shot, I think

i would also shoot lucid owo

they get townpoints for stupid reasons

iiii think theyre >rand town

The hesitation on little

i snap my fingers click, and they are gone.

Or lucid

the fuck?

Benguined is the shot for what reason?

(Mainly questioning bc I have been slanking the past day and two thirds and need to make up for my dm litterally dropping character death and lore interupting my ability to play mafia)

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Towny and like disappeared during ita which is townh

what are said reasons owo

VOTE: Kork


forgetting about the game for like most of the day phase

Why not

I’ll elaborate after the window