FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

Too towny to be town :hmmyes:


actually thinking about this if i use a braincell, tutuus wagon probably doesn’t have that many wolves on it. while their role can be inherited if there is a backup, having the mechanics of it revealed makes it a lot easier to maneuver around for town with protectives.

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actually i was thinking of the town backup let me check if the wolf backup could inherit kp

It couldn’t

yeah it coudlnt lmao


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hello nutella

this is probabky a smart thought tbh lemme loook at wagons from d1 tbh


hammer! hammer! i know what it is neil it’s hammer! cute neil the eel with a hammer!

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i don’t think it’s shrefire because my personal belief about mashes is that people bus far too freely because they have less to lose but the wagons weren’t a forgone conclusion d1.


I’m protesting against this boring EoD where we sleepwalk into an outed wolf

Achromatic (12): Ari, Marluxion, tutuu, Sadbi, Meuh, Gorta, tris, dyachei, BradLand, Cape90, an_gorta_slanktai, carbonated

From this tutuu has flippes wolf while tris flipped town

Counter point we cant ita them

Tris also flipped town

Yeah i mentioned that

Oh you said Tris that was just. A bad typo

Powers back, but I’m not back because I still need to clean kitchen

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Cape also flipped town off that wagon.

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