FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

Eh if anything artemis can be d3 fodder or sumth like that

ranta does your “everyone” vote mean you are voting everybody and that would cause complications with the 6 vote shit?

It was almost certainly a joke

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Is meuh meming? Or?

its been 11m baby boy

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I don’t think I’m an excellent wolf but I think I’m capable of making posts that like, generally please people
There’s a kind of shitty effect where my actual genuine reads and decisisons are vibe-based and emotionally driven a lot which people don’t like but people like my scum gameplay where I feel the need to justfiy everything
I’m kind of over pretending that I’m a particularly competent player esp in this environment

nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hi May

Oh I DO have a Super Like I was wrong

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Zug do you want a Super Like

it doesn’t do anything but uhhhhhhhh you can if you want

nice going

I saw your pings when you woke up but I didn’t feel like answeirng them

is this towny :flushed:

i dont think w!meuh hides in audacity

if meuh!w meuh is trying to distract us from deeper wolves and not trying to hide their own alignment here


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Were any of them important

I read htem all but I forgot what was in them


mainly because I expect May to play Mech Manager rn if they’re wolf


Ty for this

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i was thinking mostly of the dance game we played together when i wrote this - imo you managed your partner there very well and were able to say things people liked and appreciated even if the logic wasn’t there lol