FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

ITA immune multiple mech contradictions

he killed my flavor he has to go

May, Bys, Jane


Claimed wolf, shot a widely-townread player, claimed said player was a Guild leader when they’re not in a guild, and had three ITA shots on them miss.

maybe jan gets my trappatoni reference

insomnia is strunz


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in terms of spicy shots i think jail/ari/jinrou are probably among the better ideas but i still kinda dont want to give a potential w!nutella justification to shoot a “spicy” villager who really has no right to be vigged such as dya


shoot a top townread, claim wolf, be immune to ITAs and at least 1 dayvig (unless the shot was fake)

I think that’s the gist of it


But I like to try weird flavors of things

Like cereal and Oreos and ice cream


Luxy was shot before Jake did it right?

ah fair enough this means we have a 1/6 chance to have the alignment reveal gone also I wanted to be on marx for vote but seems I cut too many letters

hmmm i dont think i agree with any of these but interesting

also like i’ve. given stick reads multiple times (it’s changed tbf). what do you mean by this?

pandora (6): ash4fun, Gocj, Stick, Jane, Ash, Sadbi

can we have 1-2 more votes on pandora so the cw vig if we have one can do their thing

slank/spam vig to be precise - so probably not the only town vig i hope owo

but still that’s a nice role so that’s annoying owo

you didn’t say blandddddd lol

VOTE: pandora

this is just in case jake is vote immune

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That sounds great tho tbh

?? wdym

Why would you think he is vote immune

@ephemera let carroty on marl i trust the reapy boi (and youget to have more fun with your vote!)

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