FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

Small research found this

what happened to all of your other reads

Why me in particular right now @Ashlyn

Oh yeah, I forgot.

VOTE: Marluxion

I am a gambler at heart. I have broken many a Gros Michael in my day, and Iā€™m feeling lucky.

i mentioned at sod that i thought your vote was weird and you hadnt done anything towny
i got a mild/severe headache during ita phase 1 and now its ita phase 2

Iā€™m gonna be honest, before you said anything, if Jake did anything, I was more inclined to believe you were mafia and he wasnā€™t just screwing over a greencheck

Magnus avoids bussing because they find it unfun, theyā€™ll distance somewhat but they generally are hard on the side of defending partners even when itā€™s not mech optimal

You fail to realise smoking walmart is far supčriorā€¦ real gamers smoke wallmart and only wolves and low grade villagers smoke costco

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Has anyone backread dead mafia

they all turned out to be dogshit :skull:

and i cant recall magnus ~ever bussing when their partner isnt getting currently thrown under a ford corella 2 minutes from eod

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hereā€™s a good reason to not shoot me
give me some time to be towny and not off me d2

At least were not the fuckers smoking whole foods.

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@Atlas youā€™re gonna be around for eod down to the minute right

Iā€™m at a friendā€™s house @Atlas. Whatā€™s the emergency?

okay fair ive been there

apologies. donā€™t know them and canā€™t just click on their name to doublecheck when they are not around. :D

you have four minutes and 38 seconds

but go find another read

Ehh ur kinda top shotlist

Wow thread quiet for once

quick everyone spam