FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

watch out

Why neil?

null the lull is rand!gotpaid10buckstoplay

ignoring that prolly rand!w

Yes but it would be good to clairfy i dont have 3 bullets

neil had some interactions day one with someone that seemed more like town reacting in an upsetish manner than annoyed wolf

In last mash? If you want to see me play more like last mash check my D1.

I already have an opinion made up on most ppl currently so I donā€™t have to do wild shit. most of the ppl I donā€™t know shit about are lower posters, ppl Iā€™ve missed or skimmed or just not regirstering

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Kiruuma dead?

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this means u are not registering me
thats rude

Okay, Iā€™m too lazy to go find it through 900 threads

I picked up what the host account said

He felt ok in interactions with me.

Iā€™d say heā€™s outer Poe? I would kill like 20 ppl over him rn.

They have been dead, they were Mafia fake poisoner, they faked a poison on leafia

Ok fair

No Iā€™m leaning you v en but by a little.

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still fuck you for having less confidence on reading me than atleast 10 other people smh.
do better

the chances of an event being ran anytime soon?

I was semi pushed by him, I voted italy who was maf i shot alexandre teice hope this makes me non wolf

Feel like Manny still playing is townie lmao, there are also things, like him not being a straight up brat in thread, but IDK if thatā€™s stale meta or nor