FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

I’m fine eating the vig for my role to work.


are you on the marl wagon rn owo?

if not then yeah you can be the assigned marl voter if necessary owo

that vig was not strongman, right?

so technically it is protectable.

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No I’m on Artemis still

Superlikes from wolves are differentiated.

If you look at the superlikes chart from D1, the most rando posts from catbae were faved = they were trying to vig him by making him exceed 1/3rd threshold

Sad we can’t see super likes, because we could see who was trying to activate it

oh okay then owo

millium is the assigned 6th voter on marl if jake fucks around owo

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I’m town protection.

Idk if there’s others. I rather they protect katze since I’m deciding between achro or jane

as in, if they unvote, you vote, then you have to check repeatedly if jake votes back on owo @Millium
glgl owo

80+ players and you wanna be the single unique protective action all game?

Fair but knowing how town forgets to sub night actions. MYbe

Do you have to announce this omg.

mera this is directed at you!

yes. yes i do owo.

if jake unvotes and like 6 people try and vote marl to replace it then we’ve fucked ourselves out of a check owo

better to assign someone now owo

what’s the point of this post owo

GG owo

Because I am the first to vote and unvote on Marl, noob.

Why do you think I unvoted in the first place.

if i were actually important i’m fairly sure i’d have remembered to sub owo

probably owo



gg i didn’t see that owo

idc who it is as long as y’all decide on someone at least 30 minutes before actual EOD owo

and not “decide” as in like 4 different names are said by 4 different people owo