FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

Magnus is dead already


magnus died
alexandra is a decent shot, i think.

/ITA Alexandra @FAMHost

okay I’m just gonna say it now

stop answering Kelsier’s questions

The Shot Connects!

/ita alexandra @famhost

@Artemis for reference i read people based on confirmed flips

from the interaction with me i think you’re towny but ashlyn (and to an extend wazza) stinks
from the interaction with magnus who just died i think atlas was genuine in trying to get info out of magnus, and i dont think either of the two shooters were badly motivated

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Me trying to remember if kana was around for this in thread at the time or if she just read this in the wolf chat

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because your take is bad.
I think if we don’t shoot them this session he is clearable before session 3.

just an easy townread based on them actually doing work compared to a a bunch of shitposters

I’m like so incredibly suspicious of their constant questioning on everything that I’m starting to not trust it

I was

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this was in response to something but i lost it weh

i thought-
im dumb.

magnus is a they

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I’m too tired to do my due diligence and fact check you so I’ll believe it

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/ITA alexandra @famhost

/ITA katze @FAMHost


The Shot Connects!

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someone wanna quickly recap alexandra real quick