FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

and i can enjoy my 100% read rate :slight_smile:

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Now literally never trust me with your shots ever again you’ve got it yourself jesus christ please do NOT put that pressure on me again

where r u going nya u didnt tell me who to shoot yet

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My true self is a straight male eastern european shitposter who cant read

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I already shot and killed town at 3 am euro time
Joke’s on me

We could gamble on jarek dying or go for cat ehos already injured

wiggles? nya??

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i know that guy!

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VOTE: jake

off to sleep yall

i already used mine dw

once again reminding you all that my shot did increased damage to beancat from what I got from the event lol

ha! me too!

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Wiggles is irish

You should be deciding tbh.

Any spicy shots?

Yoloing seems fun

true nya i missed the ‘eastern’

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I still have a flare to load into my flare gun if anyone wants to suggest names.