FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

Fair but i shot alexandra and voted italy who was a wolf and mafia

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Sometimes it’s just important to catch up with more confirmation, rather than assumptions.

Kelsier has spent all game asking questions about things they he should probably know

Anyways i think a shot on beancat is fine-ish

I’m more confident in you being 3p than mafia here

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real or meme i can’t tell since it’s night and brain isn’t working much but just enough to just take things at face value.

Beancat is towny imo

Ah right this is my first game

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Im blaming ashlyn if they flip vill

we dont need to murder because we can gocj

I’m memeing catbae is dead

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Ok but

Murder is fun :(

Better than wolf ill take it

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nooo if they flip villa it was all just an rt
but if they flip scum thats my pelt

Can I use revive ITA on Catbae?

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I was mostly just ignoring him cause he was also one of the two going on about how I must be a wolf wagon bomber yesterday and it was just noise

okay cool thank you this is the only thing I wanted to know for so long :sob:

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Is there anyone with a shot right now that isn’t going to be around for ITA 3?

i dont wanna shoot beancat cuz lol IDK where the shots on them even came ffrom they werent on any shatlists i saw coming into ita sesh and that makes me not trust the shooters there nya

(for posterity i havent read any of beancats posts)

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Too late, if its a villa flip get ready to be sent to hell