FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

im also prolly going to get anticlaim vigged tonight :joy_cat:

yes kill mnny!!! (I dont knowif he is mafia or not i havent read a single post yet)

You told us so? He looks bad at Day 1, Nuto is genuinely frustrated

Please don’t say that.


I would really like another wolf flip but it might be responsible to holster.

Always Keep Gambling

you know, if you don’t vote, you don’t get pinged

that’s my current goto

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wdym nya?

Gocj why are you so trigger happy mate

i was gonna say something else but that has terrible connotations

(I’m also going to vote Jake towards the end of the day, it’s the guaranteed wagon let’s be realistic)

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btw baudi who did u ita


I pleade the 2nd

Hell yeahh radical

Also reminder pandora exists

@marluxion i’m on phone so i expect my eod to lag badly

@may will you be at eod

unfortunately, people who unvote are still linked

I’d actively just find it funny

but please don’t get yourself banned for a joke

why is marl the second wagon again

i am australian i dont care for your funny laws

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