FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

You’re doing it for silly reasons like ‘if he doesn’t townread me, he must be mafia’

Or hear me out, I am not considering you as town, because you;re null. To say it bluntly.

ok guys


gg Katze you finally got me right noob

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he already said it was on me before he tried to make it ambiguous between us lmao

why’d you keel er

gj im the dayvig

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Jim so I have, what’s ur poe of.wolves again

I see that today is the day town degenerates into infighting

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I refuse to believe tos jailor exists as town, eapecially with that condition

that condition snowballs as long as jailor keeps cooking thafs bullshit

Are you a wolf?

who are those people participating in that?

why are people towreadning apo again

How about let’s not shoot anymore people since we lost like 7 town between day start and now, with only one wolf dearht

idk but >rand tbh

guys should i wear black shoes or white shoes tpday

Claims Tos Jailor

“It’s not ToS Jailor!!”

I suppose it could also be Prince but nya

its not tos jailor

it has hyper specific conditions
doesn’t block target action + targeting

Man… I wanted to be the one to kill him…

@Brakuren You are going to be killed immediately in ITA1 if you don’t fully claim

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I am not

I am just severely detached from thread state because mash moment

They dont really they said d1 “vibes” and havent commented on me since, esp since ive beeb more active