FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

That’s outside of my town range, I just give u wolves in mashes, whether u listen or not isn’t my problem, tho I may get annoyed

Wow outed mafia!

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sure ill bite whats popping

Ash is wolf and you are wrong (yes this is serious)

ur next


@Apocryphal has received a cookie!



Based cookie


i wanted another cookie…

Skill issue

I keep forgetting about the cookie thing

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It’s nearly impossible to read anything in this site format

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benguined and I were discussing where the protection came from, vaguely. We brought up both possibilities, an ITA angel and inherent immunity. I didn’t think it was an ITA angel - an infinite ITA angel usable on literally anybody would be kind of miserable. I’m town, so I can fully refute the idea that only a wolf would think this. You don’t know I’m town but I am

Well, Artemis could have greenpeeked it. (serious)

Also how does it take 1 minute after katze who was defend me from die for like 4 ppl to scumread me

Why are wolves more scared of katze then achro or jane? Not saying i am only player relevant to kills but still

Pretty sure no flipped mafia or literally anyone has tried defend me all game (apart from kat) and I am a good enough wolf to go deep in this sort of game where all you need is 1 guy to hard vouch.

ngl i kinda think that brak could cook up that as a fakeclaim as w and hint it buit also idk and idc

VOTE: hazardwaste

Ayn tell