FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

@brakuren do you know my character? if you do, do not out it.

nah its u

its ur time to carry

bro my reads have been kinda ass so uhhh


I have no intention too, although I thought it was a bit wolfy

I got the vig from the role design contest btw (the Achro role)

I’ll say it again

a) It’s never a bad idea to give Brakuren a chance to confirm themself (I think they’ve been socially towny, yes the claim is wild but their explanations do make sense, so it’s unlikely to be a spur-of-the-moment claim to out the vig)

b) They weren’t direct PoE and had no reason to pull this gambit as wolf


@Achromatic when you wake up
I’m glad my role made you happy :yellow_heart:

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maybe i should luigi board with katze

idk people say i am outed wolf pre flip rn

i find it funny

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wait do you know my character or my whole role?

the former


This was katze readslist btw or do we only look at villagers lists when helps our own agenda

Why wouldnt mafia kill creature who they tried to kill or someone who killed a wolf or achro

katze was leading thread, thats enoiugh of a reason tbh

I am willing to wait for achro

Katze was literally thread leader

Katze was leading the thread

And the night thread tbh

I would but i must leave the thread for about…

Looks at watch

2 and a half hours.

And I’ll be taking the…

Looks at watch again


In hindsight i am only saying to look at their list cuz it helps my own agenda so this is a bit ironic. But still stands I think
