FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

oh snap

greens on greens on greens?

idk wtf you’re doing

she said she didn’t. your insistence on it is wolfy br0


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Okay for real though who roleblocked me. admit it right now

wait how did u die


Actually, If you give me a superlike (and tell me you did) I can confirm my abilities another, slightly thornier, way.

if hes wolf hes letting the town murder the wolf team while he afks

ok the ici/marl/prophy role is so funny

any new info??

Uhh the hosts were like “it’s mechanically impossible for oyu to win so you die and town wins”

Yeah I figured :+1:

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recs to shoot jail

am i taking crazy pills they were poe yesterday, saw nothing about atlas mech

i literally didnt see her claim the jail shot

im sorry i fucked up ??

Except like

I was starting EK that lived through the entire game and my reward was losing it was so silly hence the tie

i literally followed the recommendations

porscha just semeed like a nutella shot there

why are you assuming it was her anyway?

no reason to think it’s her afaict

it would be if i didnt fucking suck