FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

The implication of pinging me with you claiming you had information on me, while I knew I had the knowledge of visiting a dead person will obviously instantly make me believe you have actual info on me

I don’t see why what you stated would be necessary to ping me for

erm, someone the person someone the general act of a person nya

Remove me from this game

a bunch yesterday but apparently not quite enough to be bloodied so manny healed him :joy_cat:

ITA Tracker

D2 Shotlist:
Achromatic (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!)
alexandra (katze)
an_gorta_slanktai (Italy)
Apocryphal (Garfooled)
Ari (Italy)
Artemis (gori)
Ash (benguinedparbecue)
ash4fun (tris)
Ashlyn (beancat)
Atlas (Leafia)
Baudib1 (alexandra)
beancat (alexandra)
benguinedparbeque (Jinrou), (Cape90)
Bionic (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!)
BradLand (Italy)
Brakuren (Garfooled)
bystander (Leafia)
Cape90 (Bionic)
carbonated (LittleLee)
CarrotyReaper (Leafia)
ChaosNinjaGaming (Cape90)
Creature (Artemis)
dyachei (Leafia) (+1), (Italy) (+1) (+2)
ElizaThePsycho (Italy) (+1)
Ephemera (Ashlyn)
Frostwolf103 (Jarek)
Gocj (tris)
Gorta (benguinedparbecue)
Hallia (Leafia)
Hazardwaste (alexandra)
Hehehaha420blazing (Zugzwang)
Hippopoblompoyeetus (benguinedparbacue)
Italy (Leafia)
jail (Italy)
JakeTheWolfie (Luxy) (+1)
Jane (Garfooled)
Jarek (carbonated)
Jinrou (nutella)
Kanave (alexandra)
Katze (Cape90)
Kelsier (alexandra) (+1) (+2; Refunded)
Leafia (Jinrou)
LittleLee (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!)
Lucid_Daydream (benguinedparbecue)
Manny (tris)
Marluna (Magnus)
Marluxion (Magnus)
May (Cape90)
Memekingpizza (Jarek)
Meuh (Italy)
Millium (Artemis)
neil_the_eel (Italy) (Refunded), (Cape90)
nutella (Artemis)
Porscha (Cape90)
Ranta (Artemis)
Sadbi (Jinrou) (Forgotten), (LittleLee)
Selkie (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!)
SilverKeith (benguinedparbecue)
SirDerpsAlot (Kiiruma)
Someone (alexandra)
Stick (Garfooled)
tris (Jinrou)
Wazza (beancat)
WindwardAway (Amelia)
Yawn (Cape90)
Zone_Q11 (Marluxion) (+1), (Achromatic), (LittleLee), (Ephemera), (Marluna)
Zugzwang (Cape90)
??? (JakeTheWolfie) (No death)

no you’re townya nya

What, why did they heal them? NVM I answered the question in my head

i recommend going to the list itsellf to get the colours

nah i think baudib is villagery for saying hes fine with losing to insomnia and achro here

i think? this is accurate

how do i do that?

okay katze had achro and jane as top tier town so

@Achromatic come make up shot lists :hmmyes:

I think Stick shot Jake, they were a dayvig

1 Like

Ya but I’ll eventually get ita’d or voted out because idk how to mash

hmm maybe if it was only five then im literally stupid for not counting

ive REALLY been gone from mafia for a while because my kneejerk translation was “Jailor of all time”

GM why did there be a post saying Jinrou was dying and mafia and they are neither

i’m not trying to update it or anything i just wanna see who shot benguined how many times ;_;

just look at the post zone sent
copy pasting it or quoting it removes the colours off of it

ya but that doesn’t mean i should speed it up bc you’re town nya