FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

Btw did you SuperLike me yesterday? Cuz my role allows me to track someone who superlikes me (or investigate someone who I superlike), it doesn’t tell me who liked me, just who I track and where they go. So I’m assuming you did???

Not that it particularly matters, I just have a weird inkling about some swapping shenanigans going around.

oh lemme look at dead roles and laugh then ill make a shatlist or some shit

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Do we have any idea who was anti claimed?

Yeah but they were spicy I clearly wasn’t confident there and I turned around on them overnight :wowee:

sadbi i think

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can someone post an alive playerlist please

I still think Hallia is town

But where do we stand on dyachei?

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are you on crack lil bro

me fr

I didn’t, no. I didn’t use my super like yesterday.

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also i won some damage from an event who do i shoot it at nya

you seem to be

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Also katze did you see my reply?

ok whatever nobody cares about anything i say gn

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I like both and think having both is valuable but if I had to choose just one I’d pick tetx for accessibility reasons

You don’t, imo you went by what both of the people leading said and i don’t think it means you should swing or feel bad about it tbh

Me srsly ill give you a cookie

@katze I trust your judgement here nya

neil_the_eel isnt the wolf backup to tutuu’s role

…very groundbreaking info, i am aware

