FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

i was poisonous > mountainous

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do i only die if my alignment is mafia because the interview implies it

ok ITAS in T-56 we probably want a shot list soon

i was the atlas/ranta one

i was gonna say me and jail but katze put him at the DEAD BOTTOM of his readlist so

i was “we have more than a few deepwolves” nya

a few people on this list shot

1 hour 56

where did you get that arrow from?

also I’m glad for the clarification bc otherwise I was kinda thinking tmi from your side on the marl thing lol

i said mafia suckz

oh it’s 9 thats weird i thought they were spaced out evenly

Yawn said their arrow was 5, but they got 3rd so it checks out

…i’ve just doomed myself to compiling all of those didn’t i

wait im dumb

IDK if the dayvig was from the hot takes event? I thought only the arrow (flat damage) rather than a kill was, “a shot rings out” was used for dayvigs in past


didn’t marl take an arrow to the knee?

third place in the hot takes event.

48% pinacle of werewolf take.

I didn’t answer the hot takes event. I was busy after EoD, then by the time I was available, I was too tired to come up with anything.

Oh well, I’m going to sleep so I’m gonna miss the 2 first ITA sessions