FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

do on, please

should i shoot them too with mine nya?

i felt like you need a chance to catch me tbh.

not won
they could’ve come in like 5th, marl OPENLY STATED he had 5 hp

I said “This game will end on or before Day 6”

a player said earlier top 3 got items, was that in the post or did they know it nya, let me find hte post

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I think we could theoretically all claim what we answered but it’d still would be hard unless there’s someone who should obviously submit but suspiciously forgot to do so.

they will be targeted this ita phases softing them up makes it faster and increases chance to get an instant kill early.

but up to you!

…? Wdym?

Ive come top 3 in 3 events and got nothing wtf

they’re awarding prizes to people that come 5th?


I haven’t been reading enough of the game to give a readlist tbh, I haven’t updated my reads since the first half of yesterday
I haven’t even read EoD2, nor do I intend to
But I replied earlier to katze’s list of names and said I thought a couple of them were townier than not, if you really wanted to know

it was a random number

ftr i didnt submit anything to the event i was lazy to

We probably shouldve asked this before saying we will lockwolf whoever won it.


did the person who got 54% or 46% get a prize in hot takes?

I am myself.

As in, the SilverKeith one.

Errata: At the time of her death, katze was a member of the AGENDA.


Bro I pinged you in WC to do it.