FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

uuuh is this allowed
the whole “do not discuss events” thing

nyaaaaaaaaaaa ok then how did you not realize you were a role until way later

i didnt submit

I submitted “The source of 6-vote alignment check is non-Town.”, which received 44%, and I got nothing for it

depends on the game ig but ive seen it and seen wolves specifically counterplay it so shrug

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@May i was the deepwolf one nya

I, uh, forgot to do that event.
And the Sheep event.
And all the Guild propaganda events.
My attention span is at rock-bottom.


The event is over, it’s only ongoing events


I was the “24 Hour Cycles is too long”

More disagrees than agree, some nulls. Thats it.

the 1 power role

wtf i believe this

Is marluna still alive? I thought they were on a shotlist

playing mafia sucks (no prize)

Imo I think it’s town cuz Jake wouldn’t have unvoted

who r woofs sk

You’re very towny

I didn’t open SPF’s role until later; I was mainly focused on Tutuu flipping mafia.

And… I submitted no hot take

i submtted nothing but w hy