FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

homie thread is closed
but you were in it so thats my proof

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That’s… pretty much a 0% chance of catching a powerwolf/deepwolf
I mean it’s a very sucky PoE because almost everyone in that list is LHF town or lurker wolf
Also Derps ITA’d mafia yesterday so he’s probably not mafia

Kinda sad that 54% who answered believes i’m evil D: But if you need to kill me for worlds do it in ITA. I rather be shot than voted off. But the gamble I took today didn’t give me anything of value (I got nothing0

all of them apart from manny and creature

i am getting vibe some shielding is going on from wolves there but i dont know player meta or ability etc or know dynamic

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I think this clears Lucid.



manny isnt towny what the fuck lmao

She started making one today to narrow down the list, I know cause I replied to it

please tell me it was beancat
beancat scum im telling u

I was going to go “you cropped the part where I said ‘should I out it’” bt it turns out you didn’t crop it I forgot to say that. Shold I out it

Ok so

My 5 cents here

Im pretty sure Wazza is town (which consequently means Windward is town)

here’s why

  • Wazza is investigative

  • At SoD, I managed to fish that wazza visited a dead guy

Now, from their handling of this, I don’t think they carried the factional (and most importantly, I don’t think wolves would assign the factional to a investigative, but could be wrong). I also can’t imagine a world where wazza ends up visiting a dead man as wolf investigative. It just doesn’t make sense, unless town KP killed this person, but the town JP was apparently on porscha, and wolf investigative wouldn’t be on porscha anyways (and if they were, they wouldn’t react poorly to being ““tracked”” into the kill, it was on red after all)

wazza is 95% town off of meta


me on that nya brain

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I’m not confirming any of this btw

I don’t know wazza

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adding the statement, not overlooking

Wazza IME is super super agendapilled as wolf and I think people have not seen that here. I haven’t backread myself


this is contradictory (As, unlike on the flips today, the alignment was shown only inside the spoiler)

to be fair though
unlike most of the flips, the avatar was smaller due to all the text

(flip, for reference)

so mmmmmmmmm

my brother in christ at this point most people have me out of the poe
if u are town stop skill issueing on me alr