FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

You don’t have to lol

@May and thread

I’m aware.

I think trying to go for the deeper wolves at this points is suboptimal since they get more weeded out as long as the game advances. because they are alive when they shouldn’t.

Yday I would’ve perhaps tinfoiled stick for a couple of reasons. Never said anything obviously.

If, say, achro is alive at like, d5, obviously you lunch them there.


VOTE: BradLand

I think he looks bad from Porscha spew, and I want it to be discussed.

would you not instaspot yourself even if it was tinya nya

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Your funeral

i dont fucking care what others say, your posting is atrocious and your claimed role is nai af

h m m
noted ty

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sir derps a lot.

Who had the greencheck on marl btw

eh ill sheep that wazza read but idk where im looking which is >rand annoying asf

I had to learn how to ITA on the fly, tsym

It’s just how to vote on this forum that i don’t knwo

Okay lets discuss.


tha tbeing said i happy i now have a katze poe to blind sheep

I’m lock town and every dead town just about has me as town.


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can any muer that can read brad give us their 43 dollars

i heard a lot of nulls on somebody whos usually pretty ai?

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Personally I’ve said I thought Manny was likely town for some microread I made and then I think wolf spew? I forgot tbh.

Creature is partly off of meta and partly because he was very likely Kiiruma’s real poison target

hes barely playing and reads lists can be easily faked with tmi