FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

Porscha awkwardly affirmed Catbae calling Brad town and pushed Lucid in a way that felt like an agenda with Brad being wolf.

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im tired. wake me up when town loses


did not submit

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honestly id believe that scumchat would tell them how to vote

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did not submit

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The Leader of The AGENDA has selected the following propaganda to be shared publicly:


Yeah I don’t see them pushing agenda and I agree with that assessment
That being said, I’ve also seen them push pretty hard as town, which is likely why I often scumread them when they’re town too
I haven’t felt like I should scumread them at all in this game, which is unusual, but indicates lack of agenda at least


Gira had me town.
SPF had me town.
@Hallia has me town.
@dyachei has me town.

Only person who didn’t have me as hard town was Katze who decided to be stupid about reading me.



i think its safe to assume brad is just v then @artemis

So you are a wolf, right?

katze later agreed with my read that you arent wolf kp and unlikely to bus italy

This is a joke

dya was hard tr’ing hallia
im vaguely worrid about dya!w worlds by virtue of them not being a corpse but not my problem today

you have done exactly (roughly) 0 towny things
lack of towniness at this point is scummy
and its not “you voted tutuu d1” its that you voted achro and then lied about why you did it and then swapped to tutuu after they were already buried without any progression on the slot

all my reads are dead
push me to the edge

oh yeah correct don’t mind me just play the game

also u managed to name every Mu’er except the one im sheeping on u v lmao

Why, is your role suspicious?


No one on this forum knows who Dya is.

towns about

Okay I’m never voting this slot lmao

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