FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

it doesn’t like ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ? as a single post without spaces

who did u kill

I tried to shoot atlas

Ugh I think Someone flips town
Benguined im 50/50 on

I had to pick from SDA or atlas

is it? nya

the magic of <fil>

Can i ask is there mech behind atlas trs or ist just like gut reads bc idk wahts going on besides they talk a lot

I’m having doubts rn too but I want to trust katze here.

with hazzy not claiming I don’t know which are true nya


I want to at least do something

congrats on your future post restriction

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Agree I’m just sheeping katze.

(it wouldn’t change anything nya)

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everything but the transgirl thing was wrong, according to me and eliza

fol player try not to trans their gender challenge (impossible)


A town KP that can only kill between townie people doesnt seem like a good role :joy_cat:

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i’m sorry…