FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3





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yeah. i thought u were saying ur check was also catbae flavoured and i was like: wtf???

Oh btw Sadbi didn’t give any superlikes yesterday I got that as info

i feel like usually there’s something genuine sounding from him but either way if its a miss i kinda wont care :joy_cat:

just check it

lucid in particular didnt wanna ita someone insession 3

i think it was lucid and not cng

brak gave up the gimmick because they have hit the sweet spot where now it will look soooo towny to give real thoughts :smiling_imp:

Jane can i politely request you push for me only in third ita group today as by then i will either have suicided to the death events which staty today anyway or done enough to escape ur list as its a saturday and i have much more time :pleading_face:

@katze i have 9 total superlikes find somebody to give them to if possible

Why would they have tho??? Did u target them with something to know that?

probably nobody unless they explicitly ask, given the tutuu role is probably still in play


…huh. I can kill Marluxion today.
(Don’t do it…)

mash moment

I also have some bonus super likes nya

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I’m gonna dip for a little bit, probably will be distracted by Summer Games Fest, but I’ll pop in and out when I can. Good luck gamers o7

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damn that’s a lot of liking power did it all come from your own role?

I’ll consider it

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okay so I have mech which heavily suggests brakuren is mafia but im a bit skeptical about it because I know someone knew I was receiving that mech on brakuren last night and I also suspect that the someone who knew that is mafia sourced which makes this mech more susceptible to framers