FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

you’re alive?

i now have 11 superlikes in total


why should baudib die what?

I don’t understand what this means

I got 1
I literally don’t use them

Can you superlike me to hell and back so the wolves kill me

1 Like

ok now im going to bed forrealium (copium)

its mechanically optimal to give me all of them. this is not a true statement.

also i am literally not outed mafia

i am posting while dying

no sane mafia does that

i can concur. got a bonus super like

someone say something funny

Something funny.

1 Like

I would rather die-

do you need superlikes for an ability
im fine with giving you some

can we bring back luxy’s role to super dislike this ass


how do i gve out a superlike

I don’t remember being told I’m dead

Link the post in your rolecard and ask to superlike it

no I’ve just not seen you in the thread all day lol

I wouldn’t get more benefit out of it than I would lose from GETTING FUCKING MURDERED.