FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

fuck you got me gg VOTE: kanyave nya


I’m going to be fully frank and open and honest with you, for the first time in this game. I have been concealing this fact this whole time. I am horrific with learning people’s names, and also generally just identifying them as individual people rather than fuzzy masses of blobs. I’m so bad at it. Playing mafia in new places is so difficult because I just fail to associate people’s posts with their names and can’t keep running tallies of whehter I find them towny or wolfy. They just don’t have a place in the library of my head, I throw every offhand thought on a post into the paper shredder. For definitely all of D1 and like most of D2, I did not have a Real Opinion on like a single non-FoLer for this reason, you included.

That being said, the game has narrowed enough and I have enough experience with people to now actually say this: you’re pretty towny, I’ve remembered you acting protown in ITAs, you feel like you’re actually trying to solve my slot, I know dead villagers and people I townread generally townread you in turn, but my lack of experience with your wolfrange means I don’t actually feel comfortable placing you among my higher townreads. That’s reserved exclusively for FoLers even now (Achromatic Atlas crazynuto Creature* May WindwardAway Zone_Q11 is my spreadsheet’s list).

*off mech

You will find this post wolfy for the same reason you found my last post wolfy, blah blah blah keeping options open, not hard committing to opinions, leaving perpetual wiggle room to misexecute whoever I want without seeming responsible for it on the surface. I don’t care. I’m not going to lie to seem towny

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fol achro moment

Can you all just like die or something?


i just actived wazza’as trap card

are you a wolf nya
cause we’re asking why a wolf would do that nya

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It is Big Run, May. You know what that means.

Idk kinda WIFOM but it seems like something TMI to be honest.

Day 1 none of us knew there were superlike killers etc.

So why would Kanave soft it

I’ll be honest, I don’t know what on earth you guys are talking about

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What. Do you want me to make like. Salmon wolfreads

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look at may being MUphobic

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did you actually read the post where i “softed” it nya

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Whats this i love salmon nya

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/gen nya

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Achromatic is a player whose skill in mafia and mafia adjacent games is at a level I could only hope of achieving. For many years as both alignments Achromatic has dominated the mafia scene as both alignments displaying unparalleled strategic acuity and optimal play across the board. Looking at his town play to start with, Achromatic is capable of rallying any group of players you throw at him and enabling them to cooperate and work together effectively. The effect he has on the game cannot be quantified, for even after regularly dying on the first night his sheer ability to inspire the town players enables them to play better and vote out the rest of the wolves which he all found on Day 1, of course, as was usual.

On my homesite Fortress of Lies, before Achromatic graced us with his presence, with towns being led by the incompetent and inexperienced player that is myself town could not win any games. But when Achromatic took over, he singlehandedly made the town winrate positive and FoL towns started flourishing and cooperating to achieve their wincondition. Gone were the days of Arctic leading the town to ruin - with villagers tunnelling each other left and right and wolves never in danger - for he had been replaced by the mafia deity that is Achromatic. He finished the year 2023 without losing a single game, and I finished the year having lost countless, for I made the mistake of not playing in every Achromatic game, and not always randing the same alignment as him.

Looking at the recently completed championship qualifier game 5 in which Achromatic managed to talk himself out of heavy suspicion on Day 2, crafted perfectly unaligning interactions with his wolf partner, all while sending the third one deep and unpartnered from himself in case he were to ever go over, it is clear that Achromatic’s wolfgame is miles better than mine ever will be. I cannot bring myself to post more than 5 times whenever I rand wolf and regularly make it obvious who my partners are - were I to rand wolf against Achromatic in a championship game or other, I would stand no chance and expect to be promptly packed up and removed from the game by him along with all of my partners in the following days. Were I to rand village against Achromatic’s wolfgame, he would no doubt play the game five steps ahead of me at all points, predicting my ever move and outmanoeuvring me whenever I thought I had caught him, even bringing me to the endgame as a flex and effortlessly convincing me to cross with the other villager. In fact, this is an understatement – for his wolfing skills are unprecedented I would not have even gotten close to catching him, and would sleepwalk right into LyLo crossing the other villager despite him hard defending the entire wolfteam. Because that is the effect he has on helpless, unskilled villagers such as myself. It doesn’t matter what you, or myself, or anyone else does – because he will get away with it, and in style.

Lastly, it’s clear simply from the fact Achromatic won this bet against me on the alignment of Matthew “The Cashew” Frostflame that he is a better mafia player than me in every regard and always will be. I look forward to many more games of being carried by or losing to Achromatic, who is irrefutably a better player in every capacity.


No I may be a sucker but I believe this post.


^^^ the spamvig


stop posting big posts make little ones

fuck that points to my name…

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