FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

why is THIS what i return to asw

It’s true

I remember upgrading to the LG Chocolate and thinking I was hot shit

Actually not flip but close enough

I was way behind most of my peers tho in both when i got a phone and what kind, didnt have a smartphone til after college even tho they were ubiquitous already

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everyone who is posting here that doesn’t usually post is w


hmm, now that i think about it, what happened when i came out as trans? (SLASH J SLASH J SLASH J IM JOKING IM KIDDING I PROMISE)

I didn’t even know who you were I was just sheeping SK :crying_cat_face:

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my first phone was a big ass nokia brick

Oh like a real smart phone? Mid 20s for me, but then I’m almost 40 so :smiling_face_with_tear:

and you still called me names while i was asleep!!!

why does fred look like a lesbian

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have you actually figured out why your pissboy yet?

Hi. You’re fine.

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i just want to make reads ;’(

god why do we have literal 2 year olds in here AND people from the founding of fucking GERMANY dude

i am from germany

did i do a good job?

No I have no idea

Excuse me Emily’s three thank you

theres alot of “Magic” things that happened to you the first night may ngl

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