FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

i am from germany

did i do a good job?

No I have no idea

Excuse me Emily’s three thank you

theres alot of “Magic” things that happened to you the first night may ngl

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I didn’t even realize I did when I posted it and I went away from my computer for a bit… I came back to chaos I was so lost for a moment :sob:

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I’m not used to being, like, normal-aged for online communities I’m in. I’m used to being the youngest everywhere. So FoL is weird for me

i really didn’t like people just showing up when an event happened that were absent for ~hours beforehand

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pissboy = remvoal of charges connected?

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I’d let her have the phone but she’d open seven different websites and click 18474833 ads

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I don’t think they’re connected, but pissboy is connected to the tag I got N1

fol normal age be like:



I’m 19 so yeah basically

??? ok i wont probe any more

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I’m glad to see I can have em start playing Mafia somewhere with her peers

Es war in achtzehn hundert einundsiebzig gegründet, ja?

i mean the 5up community is even younger

and they are called fuppies which always sounds like they are 12 to me lol


Mine was spent not refunded

(this is me softing lost wolf to jinrou, for those of you who don’t speak german)

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