FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

why is there a woman trapped in this yellow colored wallpaper

Damn, mood
I had the weakest shittiest power from the BOTC event and used it in a shitty way and got called outed wolf over it

if you make 11 of these jokes i’ll give them all to each one

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how did you use it?


I wanted to play the botc thing but I never played botc and I didnt have like 4 hours >.>

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I’m doing alright but it’s getting warmer out and I hate summer I can’t function above 20 degrees
Uhhh I’m about to graduate that’s cool

from beyond the dead?

I didn’t even care enough to shoot you I just wanted to shoot someone in the POE and was going to sleep (I didn’t sleep)

I checked how many superlikes Sadbi gave yesterday (0)

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i love how we went from mafia to chatting

I have a trip coming up that I’m dreading packing for and some rl stuff i’m just procrastinating on because i’m irresponsible.

congrats on graduating!

It’s the only event I’ve done cause it sounded fun!! and it was, actually (but maybe I’m just saying this cause I won)

wolf backup


Also procrastinating heehee that’s the only reason I’d willingly play mafia
Trip sounds cool! Hope you have fun

well i will bounce now enjoy your ita session 2

good luck wolf team

well if you had fun thats the most important part !!

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Wait is ITA session 2 in like 20 mins?

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ita 2 is in 2 hours 20m
don’t think we have cons yet