FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

from beyond the dead?

I didn’t even care enough to shoot you I just wanted to shoot someone in the POE and was going to sleep (I didn’t sleep)

I checked how many superlikes Sadbi gave yesterday (0)

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i love how we went from mafia to chatting

I have a trip coming up that I’m dreading packing for and some rl stuff i’m just procrastinating on because i’m irresponsible.

congrats on graduating!

It’s the only event I’ve done cause it sounded fun!! and it was, actually (but maybe I’m just saying this cause I won)

wolf backup


Also procrastinating heehee that’s the only reason I’d willingly play mafia
Trip sounds cool! Hope you have fun

well i will bounce now enjoy your ita session 2

good luck wolf team

well if you had fun thats the most important part !!

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Wait is ITA session 2 in like 20 mins?

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ita 2 is in 2 hours 20m
don’t think we have cons yet

ty ty

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i kinda wanna make 1 person shoot gorta to make sure he’s actually immune but thats more for peace of mind then anything (also wolves could just have a miss per shot on them thingy today)
other then that


ashlyn has been hard pushing bean but others think they’re v


Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament: Guild Edition

Players: 8
Chance of Death: None
Mobile-Friendly: Yes
Duration: Roughly 20 minutes
Other Notes: Unlike most events, you MAY attempt to lose this event on purpose.

How to Play:

  • You will be competing in a single-elimination best-of-1 rock-paper-scissors tournament
  • Instead of Rock, Paper, and Scissors, you will submit Boomers, Joycats, or AGENDA.
    • Joycats beat Boomers
    • AGENDA beats Joycats
    • Boomers beat AGENDA
  • Your choice should be submitted in your rolecard privately, or over Discord DMs to Arete. Each round, you will have 5 minutes to submit your choice. If there is a tie, you will resubmit with a shorter time limit.
  • You may speak in the event thread during and between rounds.

How to Join:

  • Type /in in the thread and ping @FAMHost

Reminder: You may not talk or hint about any ongoing events in any non-event chat, public or private, apart from your role PM.

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/in @famhost

/in @FAMHost

/in @FAMHost