FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

Wolfy pop-in

i told may this in scumchat

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Ah, I thought I was gonna be there for the ITA session I expected I’d never be there for, but I probably not then

Finished covering things in chocolate. Tihngs covered: 2 marshmallow, 3 pretzel sticks, 4 raspberries


/in @FAMHost

Reminds me of last year

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only the most skill-based gamers allowed

I’ve been here the whole time, I just had nothing to say. It’s not like anything important was being talked about.

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I am shooting anyone who beats me

figuring out shotlist isn’t important?

/in @FAMHost

i assume you have your 43 dollars on it


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Everyone was talking about other things. I didn’t feel like interrupting the conversation.

omg is brad dead :(

/in @FAMHost

your explanation is contradictory

/in @FAMHost