FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

press the magnifying glass

@ their name, and click the white box underneath


what was the post where pandora apprently claimed invest

or click on that icon on one of their posts/their name and then press posts in thread

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it didnt

it claimed a no kill track on may then backed down into strengther saying it was a joke


…which is a weird as heck joke to make

i know i know but i wanna see the post of the original claim.

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yea ik! it took me like 2 months to find that button

Why did I never press that button

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invest claiming as strengthener with jazz hands is just weird

I liked your post but on purpose this time

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i am guessing may is isoing so i will wait patiently

You have made convincing argument


This, like why would the wolves have two Jake roles instead of just a normal ITA shield? I am 99% sure she said this before Gortw said they’d be able to be hit.

it’s kinda handy to have a post including everyones every claim at every moment and every read and every ita shot

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@Hazardwaste wrong thread
it’ll get moved later

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i know i was pinging fam to say i fucked it

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