FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

Yeah okay I checked and it was

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The question is if you could even shoot at any villas


Who cares!

You’re wrong and I am right

I might just blast at carbonated, i don’t feel like reading

And they’re a slot that’s gotta die imo

ui just kneed my knifes holster

go to bed
and thats coming from me
isnt it like approaching noon for you or something

A momentary respite…
(Having a break right now.)

Hm… Very well.

im feeling less petty
but like, holy shit people
i have ~800 posts can you at least notice im in the fucking game :skull:

about carbonated nya

@Atlas not sure if this is everything, I don’t have that terminal of lies thingy


Achromatic (9): WindwardAway, Ari, Marluxion, tutuu, Sadbi, Meuh, Gorta, beancat, dyachei
tutuu (9): Achromatic, Yawn, Stick, katze, ash4fun, Hallia, Artemis, nutella, Jane
WindwardAway (6): Daeron, Manny, Wazza, Apocryphal, Dum, Leafia[quote=“carbonated, post:4650, topic:8609, full:true”]
can someone pls explain what omgus means :sob:

By the way, what’s our stance on Gorta?
I didn’t see any other shots when ISO’ing the Host.

oh I can get that

Ah… I can rest in peace now. :+1:

It’s confirmed that their ITA immunity seems to have worn off. We’re kinda running out of shots for the day, though, and we had two likely wolves that we were already shooting at.

I think they’re Town but they’re in my [Players I don’t care to defend tier]

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So whats next