FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

Yeah actually, where’s Chaos?

this webstie is malfuctioning badly WHY am i on the shotlist? Why do i have to give “updated reads” i gave reads last night they have’t changed much


My role can cause ITAs on me to miss under certain circumstances - I’m not ITA immune, but I do have more resilience to ITAs, it’s not lockscum outing

or a single ita session. hard to guess what it was.


It looks like no one read last ITA session but:

  • Gorta can be hit
  • Ash has a lot of damage
  • Pandora broke the game wide open with an investigative claim!!!
  1. May pointed out Hippo shading MUerd en masse; 12 if 14 flipped wolves are non-Folers (exceptions are lol and IH).
  2. If Gorta flips W go for Ranta
  3. Ephemera and Ashlyn are V
  4. Lucid Daydream probably derp cleared himself

Back to bed


forgot about chaos they can die

(I have a “potential deepwolf” PoE now, separate from the players I just think are wolfy, and I don’t think ITAs are a good way to resolve it, at least not today)

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sjdefnpiujafsw nAWPFI 98ouhde-9ubp( HJ*strong text

(its ok, just a reminder)

lucid they but wdym abt derpclear?

Lol plays here too I don’t event hink of him as an MUer

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Bc you haven’t done really … anything and people find you wolfy


neil. listen to this. you have 17 minutes. :P

ok so gorta shoot till dead, then in

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LHF of the centry

Wait itas are at 1 not 2 again arn’t they

ok i trust this maybe

i can’t decide if lucid is out of touch town or out of touch in the wolfy way

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Is Marluna on the shotlist
Sorry I keep asking but I feel like the lack of shots there despite people not townreading them is kinda telling

Then maybe do something about it idk if you’re tired of being considered such

What are people’s thought on Jerak?

I remember nothing about them except lowposting, have they done something villagery?