Ok then can we just put them on the shotlist because I really want to shoot there
I guess, boob said ranta too and i still say someone but it is too many tbf
Jarek was pretty towny IMO from just like. Entitlement and reactions, he didn’t feel like he knew he was a wolf, but it’s not enough to lockclear him into endgame, he needs to be better eventually
uhh ive not read many marluna posts but i wont oppose shots there idt
Work. Finish.
Going. Home.
15 mins. ITA3 open.
No time. Tracking shots.
marluna ISO, for reference
Just post one of the #thousandth posts, and hope to be lucky…
(Plost twist: the next cookie will for the 9999th post…)
Less than half, probably.
Suicide bomb, I guess
Nighty- night
I haven’t read anyone yet…
Although I agrre on Magnus with the one-liners, and Ari popping in telling it is BS and continue with the oneliners is sus as heck.
Host should answer strategic questions…
My single action is kinda useless though…
It’s even worse than last year, when I at least could harass others…
Wind, so it negates the alligment reveal for a single player.
Can you explain on your wolfread on Leafia?
Unless you are both wolves…
Most hosts are American, so they usually make ecents I am unavalaible anyway…
You really are a youngling then…
That’s a youngling…
16? I think
/in @FAMHost
And backlog events, when people aren’t avalaible? Wasting hosts and other people’s time…
It’s a very selfish proposition.
The thing is. At least half of the thread haven’t see this post of yours yet (probably) and it is unlikely people will backread in a 80+ game. Unless you are reminding everyone in regular intervals the events will fill with people who (never knew this) / (don’t agree with your proposition) way before other people could even talk about who will participate, and this just keep towny people away from events more, than you think it right now. (resulting wolfy people getting more prices).
And even if you repeat it regularly, it is still possible some people will miss the memo, and just join the even in the moment they see it is open.
Why is the thread so slow wtf
most people was in event at the time of this post…
I doubt you would made in, if you weren’t in-thread when event was posted, even if they announce it in discord.
it did
if exactly 6 votes is on them, one of the voters will learn their (wind’s) alligment.
What did Eliza do, that so many people wolfread her?
Kelsier definetly knew about the 6 vote thingy…
so his vote is just blatantly bad
Cause from all of our previous games, statistics says, that we can’t be on the same team.
(basically not town or mafia)
there is.
It’s the reroll symbol next to the hammer.
There was an argument about letting only towny people into events, but I don’t think it went anywhere.
depends, there are a lot of type of jesters.
(the worst one ends the game with everyone else losing, but it is very rarely used.)
good afternoon
Are you mafia?
And people still didn’t answered about my Eliza question…
very bad, yesterday I went to the dentist, and missed SoD in the result of that…
don’t people scumread her usually because she barely talk?
which one?
How would you prove this post of yours wasn’t written by an AI dictated style?
how many fingers I am holding up?
nuto is an AI.
people have two hands…
Also I wasn’t holding up any fingers.
Since nuto got it wrong, he is an AI.
who is Gira?
I think the new bot post it quite regularly.
He corrected that later.
It should be random.
Almost there
I believe in myself.
Leafia isn’t me.
She won’t take it queitly as either alligment, when she is pushed.
When dod you die?
I haven’t noticed.
You did, I guess.
The vest protects only a part of your body, if you don’t have a helmet, people can just headshoot you…
Hippo is town for this post.
Although he is right, he can’t stop me have fun, so it shouldn’t be sad…
And even if they knew what happening, they still could just pretend to not know, forcing a town to unvote…
I missed all the claims…
They are all better than mine, which just turns into actions into items… and only at N2…
I don’t see how this can be useful, expect confirming that I have this ability…
Cause site can’t handle 10k+ threads easily.
You can add my claim to the list, that is literally the only thing I do…
I’m not really sold on this.
Especially the part concerning me.
I know my playstyle, Stick doesn’t. (At least I don’t remember playing with them beforehand.)
For a new person, my D1 obviously will look bland.
Hi single person.
(I meant that you are only one, it was not intended toward your relationship, I am sorry, if it wasn’t clear.)
Yeah, I very likely would say this as a mafia or neutral too.
Do we know that the cookies even do anything?
If it for guilds, why do we care if it is townread people get it or not?
Are you sui bomber?
Is it pressure if it is artifically created by you?
I think so.
Low hanging fruit.
(People you can easily mislynch)
If mafia would be that easy, it hardly would be a game…
The refresh symbol next to the hammer.
Which one?
And at that moment the game stops being a game, and becomes screaming at each other…
If FM ever degrades to forcing everyone on one person
- It’s not fun, I will stop playing FM alltogether.
- Mafia will always have more coorsinated voting, so they probably have more weight in the voting.
- You basically will lose the ability to read wagons. (Which in the longterm is less beneficial than threataning people always voting on the same person.)
It is never optimal to force things without power.
You are alone, and you need others to help you.
If you start a tyranny without enough helper the die will very quickly will turn against you, which you don’t want as either alligment.
winning is just more fun than anything
Here lies the problem…
We will never agree, because of our definition of “fun” is different in the basics.
Yes, we can, but only if we don’t threaten other people to vote the way we want.
There could be more to wagons than “not voting the consensus” / “voting the consensus”Wolves voting each other? You cam figure out how. Reading of the when, how, and why people voted (or not voted) thespecific players.
Some people push a very specific wagonomics over other ones? Probably, they have an agenda.
Someone is way too accurate on not voting not scums? He is probably have information town shouldn’t have.
These are all came from “reading” wagons. Which is all discarded if people are threatened to vote all the same player.
He has basic-level reads on easy targets.
Threataning other to vote the way you want is more dick move in my opinion.
Or be ready to sacrifice a lot of catnip…
I wasn’t saying that you need to be an asshole…
In no way I am playing Mountainous ever…
I don’t really like simple standard that much, I would rather kill myself if I had to play mountainous…
No, you aren read them based on mechanic, you are reading them on an assumed mechanic…
Also most post and mod-limits are usually paired with the you aren’t allowed talk about it publicly (or something bad happens), so it is not a big wonder he won’t talk about, if he has the rhyming as a mechanic…
What happened to him?
No, I haven’t known.
Luckily there are no lilies in our area.
Click on there name in the playerlist.
(It only works, if they have at least 2 posts in the thread.)
I can’t use it.
Well, I am usually not referred as Marl, but here I am…
No, not really.For me Trying to understand Firin’s PoV is more important imo.
(It’s hard to talk with someone who has the opposite opinion and think of your opinion so lowly.)
If you think so…
Learning forum mafia from the net (and not via playing) is almost the same as learning how to ride from books. (You need experience to gain a few required skill.)
Also comparing botc to FM is like comparing cycling to motor riding. (Even if you are good in one it is not garantued you are good in the other, even though the two having similar basic concept. I had a similar mistake, when I first changed from town of salem to forum mafia.)
No, I am not town reading you yet.
Right now, I just try to understand your point.
you wrote a lot for someone who expected to die very fast…
I doubt this vote work with both me and MArluxion still in game.
It was a counterwagon of a mafia.
IT was very likely scum motivated.
Choose where you are on the player list. You may only use this during Night 0. ( You can choose the top, the bottom, or being between two other players. )
Here is the reason, why spf was off-alphabet in the playerlist… (somebody asked it D1, lol)
Read some of his later posts too.
He was corrected by others. (It was probably not his own ability. )
Did he claim a redcheck on Wwa?
Mafia tends to tell this more on pure wagons to be honest.
Tos is too fast-paced to contobite well contsructed reads.
Nice rhyme…
Why both?
I doubt both are red.
From what I see the interaction between the two of you, I don’t think it is how scumbuddies handle each other.
But it is just paranoia from all the games we played together.
You mostly just pop in when I mention you in a bad way, so no, not really…
Cape flipped afzer Italy, didn’t he?
Not yet
He is ITA immune apparently
I can waste a shot on you if you really want, but what if it becomes a direct hit?
There is a new 6 wagon peek on Marluxion
I think it is player targeted.
(Probs 3p, who gets something based on who they target, or if they target eventually get axed, or the player who has the ability is not allowed to talk about it
wolfs can land their votes on off-wagon without people risking to read into their wagonomics.
as for 3p, they can be a lot of benefit depending on their type. (making chaos, make sure they survive, they actually try to kill with the ability.)
Tonight I will be able change all actions of a player into items. (except key and factional actions.)
Is there anyone who wants this?
I don’t know…
probably you can choose to use your ability, when you are not supposed so.
and I guess action limiting other actions won’t limit using items.I really don’t see how else my ability would be useful. (except confirming myself, that I has this ability.)
Important note, I can use my ability only tonight. (specifically N2)
I hoped it is at least a strong ability based on how limited my usage on it, but I doubt it.
it doesn’t say anything about night order
Who can still even shoot today?
I doubt, but sigh…
Is there a case on bean?
or the reason is just a mid-read from katze?
fine, I will go with this…
/ita Magnus
only if alexandra flips green imo.
you are right in time.
I am inclined to put you in the townlean category at least.
especially after alexandra made their shot on katze…
No you have to try 72 hours
try 30 day phases…
yeah, I believe you are town.
Hopefully it breaks our curse.
I would credit Artemis more…
Aren’t you from Kazakhstan? Or am I switching you with somebody else?
6 wagon alligment peek. (basically the same as WWA D1
I usually have time to make that list.
@Atlas my ability doesn’t roleblock the player I am targeting.
(it’s independent of their actions, so there is no place for them in action order.)
The same time.
you use your action, and the same time your action becomes an item.
I didn’t figure that part out…
(I have no explanation in my role)
Haven’t Derp shot Kii?
This is the jist of it:
It basically removes your action cap, if you had any.
(so if you couldn’t multitask before, you can after your actions become items.)
so my ability is good for people with multiple different actions.
no, it doesn’t change your ability from their base form. (it is just considered item instead of action.)
she was shot a few times…
It took longer than I anticipated, but here is the current ITA shoot list:
player D2 Achromatic (ITA 1) JakeTheWolfie (1st shot, miss) alexandra (ITA 2) katze (1st shot) Amelia an_gorta slanktai (ITA 1) Italy (4th shot) Apocryphal Ari (ITA 1) Italy (2nd shot) Artemis (ITA 1) Gori (1st shot) Ash Ash4fun (ITA 1) tris (3rd shot, flip) Ashlyn (ITA 2) beancat (1st shot) Atlas (ITA 1) Leafia (2nd shot) Baudib1 (ITA 2) alexandra (3rd shot) beancat (ITA 2) alexandra (6th shot) benguinedparbecue (ITA 1) jinrou (1st shot) + (ITA 1) cape90 (2nd shot) Bionic (ITA 1) Jake (3rd shot, miss) Bradland (ITA 1) italy (1st shot) Brakuren bystander (ITA 1) Leafia (7th shot, flip) Cape90 (ITA 1) Bionic (1st shot) carbonated CarrotyReaper (ITA 1) Leafia (4th shot) ChaosNinjaGaming (ITA 1) cape90 (5th shot) crazynuto Creature (ITA 1) Artemis (2nd shot) Daeron Dum dyachei (ITA 1) Leafia (3rd shot) + (ITA 1) Leafia (6th shot) + (ITA 1) Italy (3rd shot) + (ITA 1) Italy (5th shot) + (ITA 1) Italy (8th shot) ElizaThePsycho (ITA 1) Italy (6th shot) + (ITA 1) Italy (7th shot) Ephemera (ITA 1) Ashlyn (1st shot) Zone_Q11 Frostwolf103 (ITA 2) Jarek (1st shot) Garfooled Gocj (ITA 1) tris (2nd shot) gori Gorta Hallia (ITA 1) Leafia (1st shot) Hazardwaste (ITA 2)alexandra (7th shot, flip) Heheha420blazing (ITA 2) Zugzwang (1st shot) Hippo Italy (ITA 1) Leafia (5th shot) jail (ITA 1) Italy (9th shot) JakeTheWolfie (ITA 1) Luxy (1st shot) + (ITA 1) Luxy (2nd shot, flip) Jane Jarek Jinrou (ITA 1) nutella (1st shot) Kanave (ITA 2) alexandra(1st shot) katze (ITA 1) cape90 (1st shot) Kelsier (ITA 2) alexandra (4th shot) + (ITA 2) alexandra (5th shot) Kork Leafia (ITA 1) jinrou (2nd shot) LittleLee (ITA 2) Jakethewolfie (4th shot, miss) Lucid_Daydream Luxy (ITA 1) Italy (11th shot, flip) Manny (ITA 1) tris (1st shot) Marluna (ITA 2) Magnus (3rd shot, flip) Marluxion (ITA 2) Magnus (1st shot) May (ITA 1) cape90 (4th shot) Memekingpizza (ITA 2) Jarek (2nd shot) Meuh (ITA 1) Italy (10th shot) Millium (ITA 1) Artemis (3rd shot) neil_the_eel (ITA 1) cape90 (7th shot) nutella (ITA 1) Artemis (1st shot) pandora Porscha (ITA 1) cape90 (8th shot, flip) Ranta Sadbi Selkie (ITA 1) JakeTheWolfie (2nd shot, miss) SilverKeith SirDerpsAlot (ITA 1) Kiiruma (1st shot, flip) Someone (ITA 2) alexandra (2nd shot) Stick tris Wazza (ITA 2) beancat (2nd shot) WindwardAway (ITA 1) Amelia (1st shot, flip) Yawn (ITA 1) cape90 (6th shot) Zugzwang (ITA 1) cape90 (3rd shot)
the moment I figure out how html coloring works in tables…
bbcode kinda not work in html table…
do you think WWa is scum then?
just for you I looked it up, how to do it.
player D2 Achromatic (ITA 1) JakeTheWolfie (1st shot, miss) alexandra (ITA 2) katze (1st shot) Amelia an_gorta slanktai (ITA 1) Italy (4th shot) Apocryphal Ari (ITA 1) Italy (2nd shot) Artemis (ITA 1) Gori (1st shot) Ash Ash4fun (ITA 1) tris (3rd shot, flip) Ashlyn (ITA 2) beancat (1st shot) Atlas (ITA 1) Leafia (2nd shot) Baudib1 (ITA 2) alexandra (3rd shot) beancat (ITA 2) alexandra (6th shot) benguinedparbecue (ITA 1) jinrou (1st shot) + (ITA 1) cape90 (2nd shot) Bionic (ITA 1) Jake (3rd shot, miss) Bradland (ITA 1) italy (1st shot) Brakuren bystander (ITA 1) Leafia (7th shot, flip) Cape90 (ITA 1) Bionic (1st shot) carbonated CarrotyReaper (ITA 1) Leafia (4th shot) ChaosNinjaGaming (ITA 1) cape90 ((5th shot) crazynuto Creature (ITA 1) Artemis (2nd shot) Daeron Dum dyachei (ITA 1) Leafia (3rd shot) + (ITA 1) Leafia (6th shot) + (ITA 1) Italy (3rd shot) + (ITA 1) Italy (5th shot) + (ITA 1) Italy (8th shot) ElizaThePsycho (ITA 1) Italy (6th shot) + (ITA 1) Italy (7th shot) Ephemera (ITA 1) Ashlyn (1st shot) Zone_Q11 Frostwolf103 (ITA 2) Jarek (1st shot) Garfooled Gocj (ITA 1) tris (2nd shot) gori Gorta Hallia (ITA 1) Leafia (1st shot) Hazardwaste (ITA 2)alexandra (7th shot, flip) Heheha420blazing (ITA 2) Zugzwang (1st shot) Hippo Italy (ITA 1) Leafia (5th shot) jail (ITA 1) Italy (9th shot) JakeTheWolfie (ITA 1) Luxy (1st shot) + (ITA 1) Luxy (2nd shot, flip) Jane Jarek Jinrou (ITA 1) nutella (1st shot) Kanave (ITA 2) alexandra (1st shot) katze (ITA 1) cape90 (1st shot) Kelsier (ITA 2) alexandra (4th shot) + (ITA 2) alexandra (5th shot) Kork Leafia (ITA 1) jinrou (2nd shot) LittleLee (ITA 2) Jakethewolfie (4th shot, miss) Lucid_Daydream Luxy (ITA 1) Italy (11th shot, flip) Manny (ITA 1) tris (1st shot) Marluna (ITA 2) Magnus (3rd shot, flip) Marluxion (ITA 2) Magnus (1st shot) May (ITA 1) cape90 (4th shot) Memekingpizza (ITA 2) Jarek (2nd shot) Meuh (ITA 1) Italy (10th shot) Millium (ITA 1) Artemis (3rd shot) neil_the_eel (ITA 1) cape90 (7th shot) nutella (ITA 1) Artemis (1st shot) pandora Porscha (ITA 1) cape90 (8th shot, flip) Ranta Sadbi Selkie (ITA 1) JakeTheWolfie (2nd shot, miss) SilverKeith SirDerpsAlot (ITA 1) Kiiruma (1st shot, flip) Someone (ITA 2) alexandra (2nd shot) Stick tris Wazza (ITA 2) beancat (2nd shot) WindwardAway (ITA 1) Amelia (1st shot, flip) Yawn (ITA 1) cape90 (6th shot) Zugzwang (ITA 1) cape90 (3rd shot)
tut, kii, Leafia, Italy, alexandra
it’s 5
right, I totally forgot about nighkills…
Not like it is the very basic mechanic of mafia.
I shot the final blow after Gocj said they are a target.
they were a few name, but I didn’t want to shot the other suggested ones.
alexandra/artemis duo was one, I think.
How should we know that?
so 20/21 - 6, so about 15-16
Is there a possibility that Jake won’t die to lynching today neither?
No reason not to.
I swear I remembered someone else than me and Marl shooting Magnus… Am I remembering this incorrectly?
I will rename your ISO into NAI.
Ash or powder in my opinion.
Then the second part refers to a game which happened here in Fol with those players, maybe?
Ice died before tut
So is it order change?
Well that was changed in the list in the puzzle, wasn’t it?
Word from Rolecard
Ash 1 You
Luxy 2 are
Chezit 9 not
10 likeable
Bystander 18 postsI doubt it makes sense…
I think Artemis, katze and Achro shouldn’t be shot during this ITA.
I don’t really care about the rest.
The chance is rolled before the damage is dealt.
This way, there is literally no way we can see someone die from wounds…
(When your damage is higher than the player’s HP, your direct hit change should be 100%)
I guess here is our next wolf claim…
Artemis already got some shots in, so they have better chance to killing him…
There isn’t that much players left with an ITA shoot in my opinion.
There were 4 dead in Ita 1 and only 2 in Ita 2, so Ita 3 probably will have about 1 dead player, imo.
Because they are not on the do not shot list.
It wasn’t an ITA shot, was it?
Achro, Artemis
I had them and alexandra on t/w
Since Alexandra flipped red, in my opinion Artemis is town.
He claimed the shoot after ITA 2, i don’t know what is so interesting on it?
2 times, yet.
Zone shooting different targets, while dya shot the same ones multiple times, I think here lies their difference.
Yeah, they shot 5 times on those 2.
Has a shot, I think
I don’t think so.
I am saying since ITA 1 that Artemis/alexandra are TvW.
(Well, I was leaning Artemis being wolf at daystart, but Alexandra flipped red during ITA 2.)
Magnus cased them.
/in @FAMHost
(Caution, I am very bad at word match…)
Right, Is there anyone who benefits turning their actions into items?
(It will allow you multitask, if you wasn’t able beforehand.)

And I wasted my only ability for someone died the same night…
I feel useless.

Artemis claimed cop-check, not the wagon check if I understood her.

DidN’t Zone shot you like two times, D2?

yeah, I should have specified “recent” games…

you don’t have to rhyme anymore?

Shouldn’t you remove Marlux, if you trust Artemis?

Most jesters are unfun, both playing as and against.

he was greenpeeked…

Isn’t ita in 30 minutes?
Are LoL matches longer than that?

If it flips red, I will shoot carbonated

Hi Hazard

I promised it…
/ITA carbonated

Are there really capitalist in the game too?
What’s this game become, some ideology war?

12 + the ones from this ITA

8 times?

Around 50, if no one messed with the shots or their health

you were killed in Kaguya with pure wagon as well…

Cause it is very hard to balance.

Neut benign probably would have claimed at this point.

what’s enigmatic?
Still, will do it.
…have they posted i do not remember anything and forgot they were alive with
Yeah I also agree Ranta and Someone are both wolfy atp
Would happily shoot there, and if they’re town I really don’t think we lose much

What are people’s thought on Jerak?
I remember nothing about them except lowposting, have they done something villagery?
Probably some protective type, he believed he’s either RB’d or strongmanned, we kill the Mafia strongman that’s Pandora, so he’s relieved now.
At least thats what I saw from his posts.
can go for ranta after gorta shots uhhh i guess main shot is just gorta and then go from there

lucid they but wdym abt derpclear?
Lucid seemed convinced the Eliza interview with Jinrou was real and spewed Jinrou mafia.
i have many things in my favor fret not
I would offer to help but I’m on mobile and real tired, if anybody else can track shots your volunteering would be appreciated as Zone has already done enough work for a lifetime
I have no memory of marluna either but I’m fine shooting there
i do! it’s true!
mmmmmm. ig it depends on what zara acc flips. but ig we can give lucid a day
Alright i’ll do “Something” bc i want this to be public knowledge before I die
@CarrotyReaper how did you join agenda without being recruited?
except they shot magnus