FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

Ok then can we just put them on the shotlist because I really want to shoot there

I guess, boob said ranta too and i still say someone but it is too many tbf

Jarek was pretty towny IMO from just like. Entitlement and reactions, he didn’t feel like he knew he was a wolf, but it’s not enough to lockclear him into endgame, he needs to be better eventually

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uhh ive not read many marluna posts but i wont oppose shots there idt

Work. Finish.
Going. Home.
15 mins. ITA3 open.
No time. Tracking shots.

marluna ISO, for reference

Still, will do it.

…have they posted i do not remember anything and forgot they were alive with

Yeah I also agree Ranta and Someone are both wolfy atp
Would happily shoot there, and if they’re town I really don’t think we lose much

Probably some protective type, he believed he’s either RB’d or strongmanned, we kill the Mafia strongman that’s Pandora, so he’s relieved now.

At least thats what I saw from his posts.

can go for ranta after gorta shots uhhh i guess main shot is just gorta and then go from there

Lucid seemed convinced the Eliza interview with Jinrou was real and spewed Jinrou mafia.


i have many things in my favor fret not

I would offer to help but I’m on mobile and real tired, if anybody else can track shots your volunteering would be appreciated as Zone has already done enough work for a lifetime


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I have no memory of marluna either but I’m fine shooting there

i do! it’s true!

mmmmmm. ig it depends on what zara acc flips. but ig we can give lucid a day

Alright i’ll do “Something” bc i want this to be public knowledge before I die
@CarrotyReaper how did you join agenda without being recruited?

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except they shot magnus

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