FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

If you say so

Interesting :thinking: :eye_in_speech_bubble:

Yeah I think they’re in wolf meta but I don’t have a good explanation as to why I think that

That’s not a derp lmao


you mean FoLers

this kinda ties in with them poisoning creature. again, i highly doubt muers would go for creature

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if you goobers want to shoot me for dumb reasons i can just claim and let the sweet anti claim get me

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I mean I know Marluna gets scumread as town sometimes for their posting style iirc, but this just looks like how they post as a wolf

gorta-> if w; ranta
chaosninjagaming or whatever
@nutella ?

The ONLY way I can think of is underdog and the only agenda that joined b4 n1 was mafia

Yeah the Creature poison is weird if real isn’t it. Even I wouldn’t go for Creature


Imagine creature has Pokemon Xros Wars’ life system (takes two hits)

who was saying this?

I think I have paranoia on you, but not bloodlust

3 wolves 2 villas. this is fine.

Sounds okay.

should I claim role or something I asked earlier but didn’t get an answer

even you? do you have a tendency to make bad nightkill choices

Imagine poisoning Creature like he can’t just IC himself

if u think it will save u yea

quite a few people magically close to ita have started to talk about me more which is like fine yes i am aware i am not the towniest but doing it RIGHT before itas is lol