FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

All right then

so you have a JOAT

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wish I’d seen where other people were shooting so we could have a flip

had @Zone_Q11 shot today?

Don’t mind shots on any of these people
Lower tiers preferred though

The one you just quoted is insomnia


was there a third lmfao

just pepper gorta i stg

Ahem, since I am most likely gonna die I will say that I targeted katze with my heal. Which didnt help since they died at day anyway.

I already shot Hippo nya

I do believe I trust Artemis all things considered?

i also forgot about crazynuto and kork

wtf is with the number of forgettable slots still alive

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no i just thought there was one and realised now theres 2

what heal?

noted, but please dont advocate for a shotlist w/out gorta on top im so tires

nyaaaaaa I most want to shoot Ash but lack of shots and I’m a bit scared tbh

how many shots do we have left

you’re claiming poison healer?

An night ability

There are 83 people in the mash and also both have been shielded by dead villagers (Marl has a godread on Kork)

forgettable? You breaka my hearta


this litterally does not change my reads bc my reading comprehesnion this game has not touched either of you