FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

stats aren’t real they can’t hurt you, everything is 50/50


Kill Gorta, you must!

@Zone_Q11 can u shoot gorta?

Wolfchat never leaves your heart.

flip someone brev

already did owo

if I counted right (and they don’t have, like, armor or something) they’re at 10

So true bestie

I don’t remember if he took 1 or 2 shots in ITA2, but if every shot was 10 HP he should be on either 10 or 20.

2; I checked

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Yeah, but also…
(Mmn… We kinda townread him, somehow.)
(Secrets secrets inside the masonry.)
–on a side note, excluding myself, Gorta has currently survived 5 shots as well.

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okay literally 1 person shoot him please

if hes at 10 i really dont want to waste mine on him bc i have a boost so someone else pleeeease do it

Zone’s shots do very little damage.

that is without modification for shots or armor, but yes. we just didn’t get a lucky killshot.

ugh damn it


im assuming theyre lying or got rbed

(That just gives me more reason to not shoot Gorta tbh.)

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zone dont be such a fucking zone for once in your life