you said you shot atlas and he’s alive
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ITA shot
you just shot them because you were going down a shotlist?
can you explain why you shot atlas of all people?
it looks like an incredibly wolfy shot
Yeah because if I shoot anyone else, then I fucking get got
Hm… This did happen…
It was Atlas or SDA as my options
inb4 this event flips 6/7 town
Okay so really you didn’t have a choice to shoot them? so it doesn’t matter you were a part of shooting them because you weren’t really the reason at all
and holster
I can say my conditions but then im basically as good as dead
so you are given random options to shoot in and that is part of your role?
or did they fulfill some condition?
i got 5 conditions, each did 1 of em
i think i know
slank and spam?