FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

Honestly Atlas getting protected sounds more plausible

I could see a town protective protecting him

I was in the bottom all the time idk what u mean by target

that was like barely any pressure I’m not gonna lie and I doubt bionic even read that!

The sequence of this was

GocJ (flipped town PR) was keen on getting Magnus (town) killed, and we (me and GocJ) agreed on Magnus/Alexandra shots.

Magnus flipped town and no one was doing anything and I said to kill Alexandra. Someone popped in and shot her and I did too. A couple minutes later Alexandra shot Katze.

:man_shrugging: I said what i thought

assuming it’s




@Jinrou’s ship has capsized!

Jinrou was Town

Text-based rolecard

I dont fucking make reads unless I feel at least somewhat sure

Well at least it’s only 1

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so someone shouldn’t get credits for the kill it should be you/gocj


what the hell is this forumula

who would’ve thought


Where’s my super like

jarek, did you at any point protect atlas?


Well it’s not lock clearing or anything but it went a shot on an outed wolf.

This doesn’t let him endgame lol.

he was dead at eod anyway.

I was hoping to kill frostwolf. :(