FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

I am quite surprised SirDerpsAlot was among the top two posters yesterday

so i got a sticky note


thats not their only conditional

the top player is always a player they can shoot, the rest of the conditions are hidden

Oh fair enough then

I’m going to unvote for now I think VOTE: Unvote

Would a wolf ever think to claim this. Eer

I wish I had a private channel cuz then I could like whisper it to somebody

…good enough

i hate myself so much rn

Idk if you remember our previous conversations from when we talked about it in DMs but I respect it

i need a moment

VOTE: Marluna

Idk what you did in game atm for this but I forbid you from thinking this way regardless of why

Did your ability have any indicator that it’d fail if you chose wrong nya?

What have we settled on Ashlyn btw?

Day continues here:

A post was merged into an existing topic: FAM4: Thread 8 - Day 6 (CURRENT THREAD)