FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

Holstering is NOT an option

is it not an option or are you saying it isn’t.

im not sitting comfy where I can do that

Nope havent gotten may ethier night nya

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Nah this is facts Atlas. Vig should never holster

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I need to do stuff or im going to be blasted this isnt an option

Neil, get out of thread

you were in pokemash?

very true

I was Duskull

TBf I either missed or already have completely forgotten why neil wants to wait, but that’s also a townie post from Neil, how does it even come off as wolfie

you’re gonna get blasted for trying to kill me now if you don’t step it up mate


well Im never against killing baud but i dont really wolf read him rn

I’ve been calling them town since the start of D2. The way they panic voted Achro at the last second felt strongly town to me, and they killed LittleLee yesterday.

It starts wih c?

Step what up I cant fucking do anything else I wish I didnt have some fucking bs restrictions that make my role anti fun

im shooting i got no ping nya

read people

dont townread me berating baudib its nai and probably rude/ fostering bad behaviour / idk

you’re awesome neil!
you have done enough to warrent a break my dude. enjoy your… friday?

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