FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

Btw Katze if you’re reading this from beyond the grave, I appreciate your kindness. Wish you weren’t shot cuz that was a cringe move.

get doooown

Scumreading Someone for “trying to kill Atlas” when Atlas didn’t even die is silly. If it was a wolf agenda kill they would’ve been told by their teammates to never claim that kill. The much simpler explanation is that Someone isn’t in touch with town consensus and genuinely was like “I want to make a kill, SDA is townier than Atlas, I’ll kill Atlas”! I don’t think Someone is locktown but I think this is a dumb reason to scumread them


it doesn’t like ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ? as a single post without spaces

who did u kill

I tried to shoot atlas

Ugh I think Someone flips town
Benguined im 50/50 on

I had to pick from SDA or atlas

is it? nya

the magic of <fil>

Can i ask is there mech behind atlas trs or ist just like gut reads bc idk wahts going on besides they talk a lot

I’m having doubts rn too but I want to trust katze here.

with hazzy not claiming I don’t know which are true nya


I want to at least do something

congrats on your future post restriction

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Agree I’m just sheeping katze.

(it wouldn’t change anything nya)

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everything but the transgirl thing was wrong, according to me and eliza

fol player try not to trans their gender challenge (impossible)