FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

who. would anti-claim you

can you tive us your indo one last time

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Somebody show Someone frostā€™s PoE sectors

mind meld

wait fuck I saw that before let me get to it

Ok fair

yeah one sec let me grab it all + what i know nya


also sorry booby for the outburst but i still think you snapping to say im sus for letting someone survive one ITA session is bad. if needed ill shoot pandora myself once info is claimed, but ive seen enough mowing through poe to know that prs and inves are often in it. idt its unlikely for multiple invesitagtives to be in a role madness mash of this size.

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Iā€™ll probably post tmrw because I have a lot of time then

just wanna rest today really

I am not primarily a Tracker BTW

Oh also somebody stole my charges N1

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i eated it

(why ddinā€™t you claim this)

I didnā€™t Feel like it

Okay one last thing (Iā€™m shooting in session 2)

I highly recommend rereading SOD today

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It was on my roulette wheel of mech to share that one time

can charges be stolen?

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(Actual answer: I was planning to claim it sooner or later, I just forgot until now)

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For any specific reason?

Thatā€™s cringe