FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

cuz somebody asked me for like 3

how sheepable is katze normally on someone?

they lose 50% extra hp from any joycat type damage



didn’t you ping memeking to ask if he had transgirl flavour?

I have a sus aura

How can you not know what joycat weakened means???

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is there reason to v read dum?

this happens a lot

…can’t you just tell us if your character is a transgirl

there is 0 way there is a flavour vig

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like a LOT

by virtue of not reading

if your actually upset at me i am sorry. i am just trying to work shit out

yeah i just figured i’d interrogate them bc they were being weird nya, they werent part of my selection

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well just change your aura

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Can I answer vibes?

(Also his interaction with Artemis made me feel like he was town tbh)

Like im the resident D1 mislynch, and I had 3 in a row 2 months ago, and then 2 more recently

unsure, wazza had shield iirc but depends on how much u trust that @wazza

okay what is joycat damage now


Read this post if I die or Dum flips V k