FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

Alright let’s kill haha

what the fuck are you doing hero shooting

Marl shielded Kork and apparently has a godread there, recommended not to shoot


I wanna shoot meuh

can I shoot meuh

idk i think hes towny, but he can certainly fake it

point is i am dying and I wanna take someone with me


The shot connects.

he can

I trust you

go with god

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warn me so i can look away

more shots to haha :hmmyes:

I didn’t even know there was a player named haha

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Shooting Kelsier?

should i shoot haha?

I think Sadbi died wolfreading them so I wouldn’t oppose

…n? You want me to shoot-test Gorta?
(I’m currently lagging by a factor of 200 posts / 8 minutes.)

i’m down

its lol/ok

who pined you and @ari from wolfchat

Oh it’s time to shoot lol cool

hahalol420blazit i think?

its lol